Investigator Name: Claus Lindbjerg Andersen
Organization: Aarhus University Hospital
Function: Professor, center director
Role in GUIDE.MRD (brief description): Lead on workpackage 3 “Clinical validation and benchmarking of top performing ctDNA diagnostics”, and lead of WP3 task 3.1 “the clinical study GUIDE.MRD-01-CRC”
Expectation of GUIDE.MRD (brief description): Expected outcomes of GUIDE.MRD: 1) a common reference framework for assessment of ctDNA diagnostic assays. 2) identification of the ctDNA diagnostic tools optimally suited for assessing for MRD after curative intended treatment of colorectal, lung and pancreas cancer patients. 3) improved risk assessment and patient stratification to identify those who should receive multi-modal treatment. 4) Personalized oncology through ctDNA guided decision making,
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