Investigator Name: Catherine Alix-Panabières
Organization: University Medical Center of Montpellier, France
Function: Full Professor, Director of the Liquid Biopsy Lab – Laboratory of Rare Human Circulating Cells (LCCRH) at the UMC of Montpellier, France
Role in GUIDE.MRD (brief description):
1. Recruitment of patients with a digestive cancer (colorectal M0/Liver metastasis or pancreatic cancer) at the UMC of Montpellier, France
2. Detection of ctDNA in these cohorts of patients
Expectation of GUIDE.MRD (brief description):
To confirm that ctDNA analysis performed immediately after colorectal cancer with liver metastasis (CRLM) treatment can identify patients with a high risk of recurrence.
Specifically, we want to determine the association between 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and ctDNA detection status immediately after
1. Curative intended surgery and,
2. Postoperative chemotherapy.
To confirm that ctDNA analysis performed immediately after colorectal cancer (CRC) treatment can identify patients with a high risk of recurrence.
Specifically, we want to determine the association between 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and ctDNA detection status immediately after
1. Curative intended surgery and,
2. Adjuvant chemotherapy.
To confirm that ctDNA analyses performed after pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) treatment can identify patients with a high risk-of-recurrence.
Specifically, we want to determine the association between 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and ctDNA detection status after
1. Curative-intended surgery and
2. Adjuvant chemotherapy.
Telephone: +33 4 11 75 99 31
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